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Sam Horner

UX Leadership

Google Play

Creating Space

There are many things that can stop creatives from getting “in the zone”, whether it be the right environment, personal distractions, negative influences, right mood, deadline or pressure, but sometimes it’s just something you can’t put your finger on. Especially in a new distributed world when any of these can change day-to-day, it can be tough to find the right focus and the creative energy to embrace the best of our crafts.

In his talk, Sam will walk through a variety of techniques he has explored over the years with himself and his teams to break creative discomfort, and help find your “zone”, no matter what is going on around you.

About Sam

Based in California, but originally from England, Sam Horner is a UX Lead for Play Better Together at Google Play. Working for the BBC, Netflix, and currently, at Google, his focus has always been helping people connect, be it to a great TV drama, a breaking news story, or simply to themselves.