Round-yesenia Created with Sketch.

Ramsés Cabello

Product Designer


Self reflections on documenting and sharing design

Every designer goes through the process of effectively documenting their work and more importantly, sharing it with the wider team. In this workshop we look at ways to make knowledge more accessible and documenting designs. We will encourage you to self reflect and do peer to peer learning as we pool together the varying methods your colleagues use.

About Ramsés

Ramsés works as a Product Designer at Sketch, where he focuses on crafting better onboarding experiences, tinkering with internal tools, and collaborating with others. He loves designing, and he is especially interested in the human dynamics behind it: the collaboration, processes, and tools that bring it all together. Outside of work, you’ll find him playing Nintendo video-games, taking photographs — or just geeking out. He’s from the Canary Islands and currently lives in Denmark.